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Monday, January 31, 2011

For the wonderful person- My Mom

I pester you all the while,
Being always troublesome
To add on to the worries
That has already squeezed life out of you
I say “NO” to your advice -
Though you give only few.
Besides all these you shed love upon me
Cuddle me, relieve me from my worries
This only beautiful relationship on earth
I believe is true to believe right from birth…..


  1. usually people take a very long time to hit this realization. U r just as smart as me aks.

  2. I have regressed undoubtedly. Yet wud not promote u to such high a lvevel that u cant handle bro. U r yet to realise several truths. :) :P

  3. I was able to +1 this morning..but somehow that option is missing now...anyways...just beautiful vaishu...unna yen friend-nu solrathukku perumaya irukku :-)
