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Monday, December 31, 2012

Moments to cherish - 2012

The year juggled and began with a bang
Placement was the first cherishing moment.
Research the only interest in college other than THE GANG!
The last minute rush was an adventure dent.

Visits to CMBT park & Anna tower   
Only to hear roars of laughter.
The semester did its bit even this time
Nonetheless, no effect on the arundavaals.

The wait was long for joining FORD
The revelation of the date was cherished by the horde.
Clueless of the happenings of everyday
I sure will miss those days filled with fun galore.
Made new friends which I doubted I will
Life was at its best to bring them and fill
The loneliness I might have realized
The change agents were there and I was surprised.

With association not having boundaries
Great fun was at lunch with Saddy, Tamil and Veens.
Birthday celebrations along with the jing bang
Gifts, videos, cakes and the songs we sang.

These four months of encounter
Was a journey of joy and pleasure.
2013 is on its way with new surprises
A new role to play after May, but seizes
Not the others until then.
I wish everyone a happy new year
Prosperity and merriness be there always for all to cheer!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy new year and a new life, aks. You've already stopped taking my calls !!
