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Thursday, May 10, 2018

What a start of the series of weekend outings! – Post wedding: Fun Unlimited!

We reached Lu Lu mall in about half hour or lesser than that. We entered the mall which looked just the same as any other mall. Up to the first floor in the escalator, we got into a shop which read Lu Lu shop. We struggled getting a groupie done there. We managed yet. The selfie stick made it happen.

Christ headed to the kids section, Kim picked one kurti. Satz and I were still wondering what to look for. We looked at jewellery for Nithya. He then said let’s look for bangles. At the bangles session the sales person was kind enough as Satz was doing his selection. He chose about 3-4 sets. I picked set of bands as they were big enough to bun my hair as a pony. We got the billing done and saw Kim waving at us. She thought we were playing hide and seek with her. Seriously!!!! :P

She looked for something at the earring session and bought herself a pair of wooden earrings. Christy until then was still stuck with his choices. Then we quickly helped him with his decision and got out of the Lulu Mall. We crossed and got to the other end of the road. The real fun this was. The vehicles were disciplined enough. Why? The vehicles that intended to take the bridge were free to go while those who dint want to take the bridge, they lined themselves one behind the other closer to the left side of the road. We kept waiting for share auto and when we got one they were charging double the cost.

We almost let go of 2 autos hoping to find the 3rd one. We couldn’t see one coming any closer. We then got to the middle of the road and were waiting for the auto. Awesomely insane it seemed. There came an auto which was followed by bigger cars. Satz was only enquiring the rate and the cars started honking. The driver asked us to jump in first and we can negotiate on the way. What an experience. We all got into the running auto. I couldn’t relate anything else but jab we met. OMG! Can you seriously do something like this. We then got the negotiation done and settled for amount that we felt was fine. It was a breezy drive and we enjoyed giggling all the way. There was an anxiety because we had our train scheduled at 5.50 pm and we had only an hour left. The moment we reached the hotel, we settled the auto driver and took to heels and reached the hotel room to pack and start.

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