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Friday, March 15, 2019

Let the child in you Live !!!

I want to write today - Philosophically :). Here I go.

Life has been an enriching journey - Highs and Lows. I can't quantify them neither compare. They both has left their mark in my life.

I find faults in me and try not course correct. Now I wonder, why should I do that. I have been what I am. I cannot negate what it made me feel like then and even now.

I wonder how a human being is. While the whole world can seem like a BAD person and you alone are the best, I feel like saying - Get off the bubble, you do not have to play the victim card.

Life gives all of us the same situations and we all do act and most of the times react. We make our choices. It is only that moment that had life then, we make it live throughout by reliving in that moment. This is our choice too.

It is a bliss to stay a child at heart. That is the only way out for us to stay out of or over come anything unpleasant that we have faced or felt. I child lives every moment and that moment literally passes away after.

I am trying and I am wondering if there are a few others too who practice this. I am sure there are because no thought exists in isolation.

Until other thoughts cross my mind and I wish to pen them down here, enjoy life and stay blessed!

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