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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Human Behavior – Not a saint Not a demon, just being Human

Human Behaviour – Not a saint Not a demon, just being Human

I had been worried of the lockdown ever since announced. Worried not for what will happen now? I am confident the experts are on duty and there are several services of government who have been working to protect and give it their best shot.
My worry is about me – Physical and Mental – ME. I would want to thank this Debate Queen – Karthiga, my friend who reiterated like the several other friends that I need to let go.

I have always believed that I am strong psychologically – I fall and get back on feet in no time. Any person I have come across also has been appreciative of the same. This phase that I live today has made me understand every bit of me all over again and trust me it is all new. Every day has been a different experience. Highs and lows are always there. I have believed it was normal to calm yourself when required. I am badly mistaken. I actually am better left aside alone; my rebound is faster. I thought maybe I am getting obsessed with self. I decided to focus on my family members to check this new theory.

When in irritation I tried to calm them. I have also asked them to reflect on their behaviour and see if they would want to course correct whatever possible. I discovered it was a bad idea because they ended up reliving that unpleasant moment.

It is very well said – you cannot go back and change happened in the past; you can make a change in future. That doesn’t mean you have to wait for the same instance to be faced with and get conscious and make it even more messy. My family actually reacted as per the theory. Leave them alone and they did get back home. They come back to normal when left alone and not spoken to about the unpleasant incident. After recovering, they behave as if that moment never existed.

We learn in this journey of life and needn’t or rather shouldn’t be colored by our experiences. We learnt everything that makes us a human being and to be on our own after we stepped into this world. Man is an amazing machine and all respect to the Mechanic. We are already tuned well and we only need to absorb further through our experiences. Not to be afraid and refrain but to learn to combat what is lying ahead of us.

This shall also pass-by and I can say this confidently NOW. I have begun focusing on people rather than the mistakes. I like my friends and family and they are important not the errs we do. Most importantly, I am beginning to discover this side of me – trying to understand what it means to forget.
This journey is new and I hope to enjoy it. Let’s see if you recognize the new me!

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